Sunday, December 9

I love SemiAccurate

Microsoft could not buy Nokia outright, the EU would have rightfully laughed that out the door. Instead they put Elop in place and had him promote a ‘strategy’ that had no chance of succeeding. Once Nokia had burned all the bridges that could have saved it, most of the remaining pieces would be unpalatable to any potential buyer.

Read more here

I'm obviously biased, because they're saying exactly what I've been thinking, except more eloquently and with greater exposition. There really feels like a world of doublespeak these days in the tech press. You feel like you're reading marketing shill half the time and wonder why its being passed off as content. The troubling thing is that, just like in politics, this new talk technique of speaking non-truth into existence seems to be working (in everything but actual sales numbers). People begin to lose their will to hold on to their own ideas and start spouting worthless contrived phrases.

It seems to work, but at what cost? All this shouting down of dissent and the torrent of manufactured PR-talk to drown out originality might just cost humanity its humanity in the long run. It would be sad if the dystopian Orwellian world came to be not because of a political struggle, but to shift some worthless silicon toys off the shelves.

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